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Letter Carriers’ Food Drive

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Letter Carriers’ Food Drive

May 10

The 33rd Annual Letter Carriers’ Food Drive is Saturday, May 10th!

Donations from the drive stay local and help hunger programs like The Hunger Task Force and ensures shelves are stocked before the increase in summer demand. There are two ways you can help – Donate & Volunteer.

Donate – Place your non-perishable canned food items (please no glass, it can break when being collected) near your mailbox on Saturday, May 10th by 8 am. Fabulous volunteers will collect the food items.


Volunteer – Do you have a few of hours to spare and want to make a huge impact in your community? Sign up your driving team today! Volunteers work in partner teams to collect food on along specific mail routes, a head of letter carriers.  This will ensure as many donations as possible are picked up by volunteers, rather than Letter Carriers, who are also delivering mail this day.  Shifts run 8 am to approximately 2 pm.  To sign up or learn more go to:  Letter Carriers’ Food Drive – Driving Teams



May 10