Group Volunteer Application Request

Important information-Please Read!

This application is to be completed by GROUP leaders only, individuals or families should complete the individual application form. Please allow up to 1 month lead time for scheduling group volunteer events.

We have high volunteer interest from schools and youth groups, so opportunities may be limited. Please reach out for additional information about youth opportunities, including hosting a food drive or educational tours. 

We are unable to accept individuals that have convictions or pending charges for violence, or sexual crimes, crimes against children.

Group Volunteer Application

Group Leader Contact

Email Address(Required)
Is everyone in the group 14 or older?(Required)
Has your group volunteered before?(Required)
Please note the Food Recovery Warehouse is best suited to groups of 8 or less and The Kane Street Community Garden can accommodate groups of up to 20.
Prefered Volunteer Location(Required)
General Times of Availability(Required)
Please tell us what hours your group is interested in volunteering
Saturday (Garden Only)
I understand that submitting a request does no guarantee a specific date or activity.(Required)
Please let us know if your work or organization offers PTO, matching gifts, or other incentives to volunteer.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.