
Volunteers are essential to the success of the Hunger Task Force, and there are a variety of volunteer opportunities available for individuals and groups.

In fact, volunteering as a group is a great way to make a difference while team building at the same time!

Food Recovery Program Volunteers

Volunteer Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Assist in the Food Recovery program by volunteering at the Hunger Task Force administrative building/warehouse:

  • Drivers assist with picking up or delivering food items (using the Hunger Task Force truck (no CDL needed)
  • Warehouse Workers assist with organizing, stocking, sorting, or inventorying food items
  • Office/Clerical Workers help with mailings, data entry, fundraiser prep, or general receptionist duties

Kane Street Community Garden Volunteers

Volunteer Hours--March 15-October 15: (Call for limited hours availability October 15-March 15)
Monday, Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Share your gardening talents with us—and then take home fresh produce. Don't have a green thumb? That's okay too! No prior garden experience needed. Volunteers assist with a variety of tasks:

  • planting, weeding, or harvesting
  • tilling, composting, or irrigating
  • mowing the lawn, organizing sheds, inspecting equipment

To Volunteer in the garden we would ask you to sign up for a slot in our NEW page, CLICK HERE.  If you have a group, please email volunteerhungertaskforce@gmail.com to receive paperwork ahead of time.

Special Events Volunteers

Volunteer to help at a special event (such as the Stamp Out Hunger Postal Workers food drive, or fundraisers like Timmers Fest and A Taste of the Garden).

  • assist with the setup or tear-down of special events
  • help with food drives, parades, and other events
  • complete various other tasks as needed

Register as a (group or individual) volunteer today! Your community thanks you!